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Parenting Plans: Planning Makes for Success

A parenting plan is a written document that outlines how parents will raise their child after separation or divorce. You may have heard of legal terms such as “custody”.  It doesn’t have to be full of legal terms. It can focus on describing parenting arrangements such as: how decisions about the child are made (for […]

Phil Collins’ Files Emergency Injunction Over Mansion

The breakup between Phil Collins and his ex-wife Orianne Cevey is escalating. As of Saturday the legendary musician had broken up with his ex-wife (again) after reconciling in 2016 following Cevey’s divorce from her second husband, investment banker Charles Mejjati. This time things seem to be officially over; according to court documents obtained by Vanity Fair, Cevey […]

Who Pays For College?

Parents need to be aware they may foot much of the bill for kids’ college costs as the court gets involved The Washington State Child Support Schedule says this topic is advisory, not mandatory. In other words, there are rules with regard to support for children up until 18 or graduating high school. There are […]

The QDRO Quandary

How Division of Retirement Assets Occurs In most divorces, the issue of retirement and how to divide them come up. There are multiple types of retirement accounts and benefits. The easiest to understand is social security. It’s the most simple. A court can not divide social security. It can order a spouse to pay alimony […]

Divorce in an International World

The world is getting smaller and smaller. We live in a global society and have an international economy. International travel is easy. Thanks to the internet we’re all connected in new ways. These days, people meet and fall in love across international borders. So it’s no surprise that marriages involving dual citizenship are more common than […]

7 Tips to Find the Right Divorce Attorney

When you are facing divorce, one of the first questions that comes to mind is “How do I find a good lawyer?” Knowing how to choose a divorce attorney who will provide you with the legal advice you need, at a price you can afford, and be the right fit for your situation, isn’t easy. […]

Premarital Agreements… Thoughtful Terms Make a Good Prenup

When we see people with money divorcing one of the first questions we have is who got the premarital agreement and who stands to benefit financially. Oftentimes,  the wealthier, more-moneyed future spouse has minimized or eliminated the post-marriage rights of the less-moneyed spouse and ensured that the prenup would be still enforceable under that state’s laws. The goal […]