Tag Archives: relocation

The Hague Convention: Its Importance in Family Law and Why India is Not a Part of It

Family law is an intricate and sensitive area of law that deals with the issues of family relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption. It is an area of law that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. When families are involved in legal disputes, they require timely and effective resolution of their […]

Washington State’s Relocation Statute

Washington’s relocation statute is very specific with regards to notice requirements and timing. Failure to give required notice may be grounds for sanctions, including contempt of court. If the move is within the same school district, the relocating person must provide notice by reasonable means. A person entitled to time with the child may not object to what […]

Relocation: Follow the Rules or Pay the Penalty

The UCCJA is a law that controls which court has jurisdiction to make custody and visitation decisions about your child when you are getting or have gotten a divorce or separation.  It is important to now about this law if you are considering relocation. It says that, in most cases, if a child moves out […]